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Home with his ‘Garden of Eden’

Saturday 15 February 2020 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Weekend


Home with his ‘Garden of Eden’
Teremoana Tutini fondly known as Papa Neke with his favourite roses. 20021010.

After 45 years in New Zealand, Teremoana Tutini fondly known as Papa Neke returned to his island of birth Mitiaro in 1999 with just his bags and a tent. Now 82, he has two houses and a self-sufficient garden locally known as the Garden of Eden. He is at peace, and loves the simple quietness of life. Melina Etches finds out more during her recent visit to the island.

After 45 years in New Zealand, Teremoana Tutini fondly known as Papa Neke returned to his island of birth Mitiaro in 1999 with just his bags and a tent. Now 82, he has two houses and a self-sufficient garden locally known as the Garden of Eden. He is at peace, and loves the simple quietness of life. Melina Etches finds out more during her recent visit to the island.

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