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We can be champions together

Friday 26 July 2019 | Published in Church Talk


We can be champions together
The Cook Islands netball team made history at the Pacific Games. After 28 years of defeats, the netball team finally took home gold in a close game against Tonga.

During the past two weeks, we have been treated to some spectacular and nail-biting international sporting events: the ICC World Cup final between England and New Zealand, the Pacific Games Netball gold medal final between the Cook Islands and Tonga, and most recently, the Netball World Cup gold medal final between New Zealand and Australia.

During the past two weeks, we have been treated to some spectacular and nail-biting international sporting events: the ICC World Cup final between England and New Zealand, the Pacific Games Netball gold medal final between the Cook Islands and Tonga, and most recently, the Netball World Cup gold medal final between New Zealand and Australia.

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